Artist Ernest Marceau
Nation Pikuni (Blackfeet)

Artist Biography

Ernest Marceau, an enrolled member of the Blackfeet Tribe, creates art which shares his culture alongside his own unique way of seeing the world. Born in Browning, Montana, Marceau was raised on the Blackfeet Reservation. He attended Haskell Junior College in Lawrence, Kansas, where he focused his studies on art. Marceau has a deep appreciation for the knowledge and inspiration which comes from past art movements in Europe as well as Native traditional art. His emphasis is always on finding his own style, and following his own energy and creativity.

Marceau’s earliest memory of creating art was when he was three years old, sat on the floor, surrounded by his family. He drew a dog with ‘sharp pointy lines’. Art has been his passion from that day on. In school, he was introduced to new materials and experimented in other mediums including sculpture, oil paints, watercolours, and pastel. He credits his art teachers for introducing him to different ways of seeing the art world, and his family for always supporting and encouraging him in his artistic career.