Rawhide cut-out horse medicine (leaping), (standing)

Artist Birdie Real Bird
Nation Apsàalooke (Crow)
Date 2017
Size 7 x 20.8 x 2.2 cm; 13 x 17.2 x 0.8 cm
Materialleaping: Rawhide, seed beads, trade beads, leather thong, jingle bells, wool blanket off-cut, red earth paint, acrylic paint; standing: Rawhide, seed beads, trade beads, leather thong, red earth paint, acrylic paint, waxed twine

“Ever since I know, my family, they’ve always owned horses. My […] great-grandfather, my grandmother’s dad, he has horse medicine – so they call it horse medicine – and […] in his picture, he has a horse head. It’s just like this – and […] the horse’s ears are just on top. Yeah, he cut the whole top of the horse, and he made a bonnet with it. So that was his. And then his necklace was a horse, probably from rawhide, but it was all painted and it had ribbons and all kinds of stuff on it. […] And then I started making those rawhide horses, but it’s not the real thing.”

Speaking of horse medicine, which is a kind of spiritual power: “I know they get their medicine from visions, or sometimes it’s given to them. A lot of them come from dreams, and it’s given to them. So, I don’t know where he got the horse medicine, but he had it.”

Speaking on the decoration: “I just put little beads on there, because anything that [I] do or make, I always have beads on there, some place.”

Birdie Real Bird